Hosting a preteen girl birthday party and looking for unique party favors? This flower hair pin is easy and sure to bring sparkle to any girl’s hair. For this project you need: Yellow Sculpey clay White Sculpey clay Bobby pin Sobo brand glue 1 Crystal 20ss Swarovski Rhinestones 8 Light Topaz 12ss Swarovski Rhinestones 8mm round clay cutter 10mm x 8 mm oval clay cutter Begin by rolling out the white Sculpey clay to ¼ inch thickness. Using the round cutter, cut out a circle for the center of the flower. Roll out the yellow Sculpey clay to ¼ thickness and using the oval cutter, cut out 8 petals. Place a white piece of paper in between the bobby pin to prevent the clay from backing into both layers. Press the center and the petals onto the closed end of the bobby pin and pressing the petals and center together. Bake in a preheated 275 degree oven for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool. When cool, glue the Crystal 20ss Swarovski Rhinestones to the center and the Light Topaz 12ss Swarovski Rhinestones on the petals using Sobo glue. Allow glue to dry for 24 hours.
This is sure to make any girl feel special! Swarovski Rhinestones are available from: Do you want to be notified of upcoming sales, new clearance, contests and giveaways? Would you like our free guide to rhinestoning? Subscribe to our newsletter by clicking here.
January 2025